
Welcome to my personal webpage! Here, I share my research and also some facts from my everyday life.

I am Sedjro Salomon Hotegni from Benin. You can take a look at my last post and if you liked it, why not go to the previous ones! I will be happy to receive feedback from you.

Research Focus & Experience:

I am currently a PhD student in Data Science for Engineering at Paderborn University, in Germany. As a Scientific Researcher, I’m a member of the AI junior research group “Multicriteria Machine Learning – Efficiency, Robustness, Inter-activity and System Knowledge” and our focus is on the development of multiobjective training algorithms for deep learning. Deep neural networks are of utmost importance in many areas of application. However, the consideration of multiple training criteria as well as system knowledge requires further investigation and has great potential for further improvements. In particular, we perform basic research on: 1- The development of efficient optimization algorithms for training neural networks regarding multiple conflicting objective functions. 2- Interactive learning and adaptation of deep neural networks using techniques from multiobjective optimization. 3- Consideration of system knowledge, e.g., in the form of conservation laws or differential equations.

Before joining the University of Paderborn, I completed a Master’s program in Mathematical Sciences with a specialization in Data Science at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, in Rwanda. My Master’s thesis project is based on early warning of potential fatal diseases, and we designed an effective alert system for two of the most dangerous Critical Health Episodes in the Intensive Care Units: Acute Hypotensive Episodes and Tachycardia Episodes. (Find our report here: https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.04732)

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